

Domestic journal

Conference paper

  • Hohyun Cho, Minkyu Ahn and Sung Chan Jun, “Comparison of session-to-session transfer between old and recent session data in motor imagery BCI”, Proceedings of the sixth international brain-computer interface meeting, 2016.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Shane Lee, Julie Guerin, David Segar, Tina Sankhla, Wael Asaad, “Short-time prediction of motor performance using Local Field Potential in Parkinson’s Disease”, Proceedings of ASSFN2016, 2016.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Shane Lee, Julie Guerin, David Segar, Tina Sankhla, Wael Asaad, “Rapid prediction of movement states from neuronal activity in Parkinson’s disease”, Proceedings of COSYNE2016, III-44, 2016.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, Sangtae Ahn and Sung Chan Jun, "Multi-state driven decoding for brain-computer interfacing", 6th Internationa Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Article ID 010-1, 2014
  • Moonyoung Kwon, Minkyu Ahn, Jun Hee Hong, Soodam Park, Taejin Park and Sung Chan Jun, “Valence Detection for Image Stimulated EEG Data”, 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp.109-112, 2013.
  • Hohyun Cho, Minkyu Ahn, Santae Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Strategy for Reducing Calibration Time With Invariant Common Spatio-Spectral Patterns”, Proceedings of the fifth international brain-computer interface meeting, ID 123, 2013.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, Santae Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Performance prediction in motor imagery BCI”, Proceedings of the fifth international brain-computer interface meeting, ID 143, 2013.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Jun Hee Hong, Hohyun Cho, Sangtae Ahn and Sung Chan Jun, “Neuro-physiological difference of default mode network (DMN) between BCI able and illiteracy subject groups”, Neuroscience, 891.15/NN3, 2012.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Jun Hee Hong, Hohyun Cho and Sung Chan Jun, “Single Trial Classification by Simultaneous MEG/EEG Source Imaging”, BIOMAG, pp. 301-302, 2012.
  • Hohyun Cho, Minkyu Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Online Brain-Computer Interface - Performance Comparison among Various Feature Extraction Methods”, BIOMAG, pp. 303-304, 2012.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, Santae Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Single Imaging Modalities and Multimodality in Brain Computer Interface - MEG, EEG, and Simultaneous MEG/EEG”, Proceedings of TOBI 3rd workshop, pp. 49-50, 2012.
  • Hohyun Cho, Minkyu Ahn, Santae Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Invariant Common Spatio-Spectral Patterns”, Proceedings of TOBI 3rd workshop, pp. 31-32, 2012.
  • Sangtae Ahn, Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, Sung Chan Jun, “Correlation between BCI accuracy and Information Distribution”, Proceedings of TOBI 3rd workshop, pp. 43-44, 2012.
  • Woongbin Kim, Minkyu Ahn, Hyunmin Moon, Yoobin Koh, Hohyun Cho, Sangtae Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “Application of Concentration or High Attention - Car Racing Biofeedback Game”, ICEIC, pp. 496-497, 2012.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, “MEG/EEG Spatiotemporal Noise Covariance Estimation in the Least Squares Sense,” Proceedings of APSIPA 2011, pp. 1-6, 2011.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, and Sung Chan Jun, “Calibration Time Reduction through Source Imaging in Brain Computer Interface (BCI)”, HCII 2011, CCIS 174, pp. 269-273, 2011.
  • Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Minkyu Ahn, Sung Chan Jun and Heung-No Lee, “Motor Imagery based BCI Classification via Sparse Representation of EEG Signals”, NFSI & ICBEM, pp.93-97, 2011.
  • Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Minkyu Ahn, Sung Chan Jun, Heung-No Lee, “A New BCI Classification Method based on EEG Sparse Representation”, Proceedings of the 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, pp. 72-75, 2011.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Jun Hee Hong, Sung Chang Jun, “Source space based Brain-Computer Interface”, BIOMAG2010, IFMBE Proceedings 28, pp. 366-369, 2010.
  • Jun Hee Hong, Minkyu Ahn, Sung Chang Jun,”Single-Trial Analysis for Empirical MEG Data”, BIOMAG2010, IFMBE Proceedings 28, pp. 163-166, 2010.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Sungwook Kang and Sung Chan Jun, “Effort toward Zero Training in Brain-Computer Interface using Beamforming Source Imaging”, Proceedings of the fifth international brain-computer interface meeting, F-6, 2010.
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyeon Cho, Sung Chan Jun, “Information Extraction from the Source Space for Brain Computer Interface”, Proceedings of TOBI 2nd workshop, pp. 29-30, 2010. 
  • H. Koo, M.K. Ahn, S.C. Jun, “EEG Features Evoked and Induced by Tactile Stimulation”, HCI International 2009, pp. 240-244, 2009.
  • Ho Koo, Min Kyu Ahn, Jun Hee Hong, Sung Chan Jun, “EEG Features and Focused Attention Induced by Smooth and Rough Tactile Stimulation”, ICMIT 2009, pp. 33-34, 2009.
  • S. Kang, M. Ahn, S. C. Jun, “Performances among various Common Spatial Pattern Methods for simultaneous MEG/EEG data”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7500, 75000X (2009); doi:10.1117/12.858778.
  • Dimitris Giakoumis, Athanasios Vogiannou, Kostas Moustakas, Ilkka Kosunen, Dieter Devlaminck, Minkyu Ahn, Anne Marie Burns, Fatemeh Khademi, Dimitrios Tzovaras, “Multimodal monitoring of the behavioral and physiological state of the user in interactive VR games”, eNterface09 workshop, 2009.

Domestic conferences
  • 안민규, 전성찬, “신뢰도를 높이기 위한 다이나믹 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 시스템,” 한국HCI학회 학술대회, pp.622–624, 2013
  • 안상태, 안민규, 조호현, 전성찬, “촉각 선택 집중과 동작 상상을 이용한 하이브리드 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스,” 한국HCI학회 학술대회, pp.131–133, 2013
  • Minkyu Ahn, Hohyun Cho, Sangtae Ahn and Sung Chan Jun, "Pre-screening potentially low performance user in motor imagery based BCI", Proceedings of KHBM conference, pp.113, 2012
  • 안민규, 조호현, 안상태, 전성찬, "상상움직임 기반 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 성능에 대한 잠재적 성능 예측기", 45회 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, pp.50, 2012
  • 고유빈, 안민규, 김웅빈, 전성찬, “뇌 전도를 이용한 집중력 정량화 연구”, 한국HCI학회 학술대회, pp. 23–25, 2012
  • 안민규, 조호현, 안상태, 김무준, 전성찬, “뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 시스템에서 피험자의 잠재적 성능 확인을 위한 상상 운동움직임의 정확도 분석,” 한국HCI학회 학술대회, pp.20–22, 2012
  • 조호현, 정찬민, 김무준, 안민규, 전성찬, "BCI2000기반 근전도 및 동작 상상 뇌전도를 이용한 무선 로봇 제어", 한국정보과학회 2011가을 학술발표논문집,  Vol.38, No.2(B), pp.349-352, 2011
  • 조호현, 안민규, 전성찬, "뇌전도 기반 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스의 특징 추출 알고리즘 비교 연구", 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 논문집, Vol.38, No.1(A), pp.142-145, 2011
  • 안상태, 안민규, 조호현, 전성찬, "뇌전도 기반 상상 손 움직임 데이터에 대한 두 채널 선택 방법들 간의 분류 오류 비교", 44회 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회, PI-057, 2011
  • 안민규, 조호현, 안상태, 전성찬, "뇌전도 기반 뇌-컴퓨터/기계 인터페이스 및 응용", 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집, pp.31-34, 2011
  • 조호현, 전성찬, 방현진, 안민규, "뇌전도 기반 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스: 뇌파측정장비와 BCI2000 연동", 한국 HCI 학술대회 논문집, pp.28-30, 2011
  • 안민규, 조호현, 김웅빈, 김형훈, 박태규, 전성찬, "뇌파 기반 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 응용 : 뇌 게임", 한국 HCI 학술대회 논문집, pp.31-33, 2011
  • 안민규, 강성욱, 조호현, 전성찬, "뇌파 신호 처리 응용: 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스", 신호처리합동학술대회 논문집, pp.87-90, 2010
  • 안민규, 홍준희, 강성욱, 조호현, 전성찬, "뇌전도 신호원 정보를 이용한 움직임 상상에 대한 분류", 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol. 27, pp.83–88, 2010
  • 안민규, 강성욱, 전성찬, "뇌전도에 기반한 뇌-컴퓨터 연계기술 연구", 정보통신분야학회 합동학술대회 논문집, pp.31-36, 2009


  • Software (Korean copyright commission)
    • EmoDecoder (Registration date: 2013-03-27), Processing module to analysis emotion on EEG
    • BCI2000BinoKitM (Registration date: 2013-03-21), Connecting module between many EEG devices and BCI2000
    • BCICarRacing1.0 (Registration number 2011-01-129-011561), BCI based slot Car racing game
    • GBrainGameCarRacing1.0 (Registration number 2011-01-129-001244), BCI based computer car racing game
    • BCI2000Laxtha (Registration number 2010-01-129-006208), Connecting module between an EEG device and BCI2000
    • GDigitizer(Registration number 2010-01-129-001414),Digitizing software for fastrek device
    • GSigProC1.0 (Registration number 2009-01-129-005275), Signal processing software
    • GLoC1.0 (Rregistration number 2009-01-129-005276), Brain source localization software

  • Patent (Korean Intellectual Property office)
    • Title: Method and Device for Analyzing Brain Wave Using Integrated Information and Storage Medium Storing the Same (Patent number: 10-1330712, Registration date: 12 Nov 2013)
    • Title: Method for Enhancing Reliability of BCI System (Patent number: 10-1553256, Registration date: 9 Sept 2015)
  • Technology transfer
    • Corporation: Neuromedi, Technology name: BCI2000 and Laxtha interfacing (Date: 30 Nov 2010)