For more details of my research experiences, please see CV.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Email: minkyu_ahn(at)
- PhD, Aug 2014
- School of Information and Communications, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GPA: 4.0 / 4.5)
- Advisor: Prof. Sung Chan Jun
- MS, Aug 2010
- School of Information and Communications, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GPA: 4.0 / 4.5)
- Thesis: “Brain computer interface using beamforming source imaging”
- Advisor: Prof. Sung Chan Jun
- BS, Aug 2007
- Chungbuk National University, Computer Engineering (GPA: 4.22/4.5)
Research Interest
- Parkinson's Disease, Motor function
- Brain/bio signal processing, Machine Learning
- Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Research Experience
- Asaad Lab. Brown university, Providence, RI, U.S.
- Oct 2014 to Present
- PI: Prof. Wael F. Asaad
- BioComputing Lab. GIST, Gwangju, South Korea
- July 2008 to Aug 2014
- Advisor: Prof. Sung Chan Jun
- RIKEN Brain Science Group, Tokyo, Japan
- Jan to Feb 2011
- PI: Prof. Andrzej Cichochi
- European eNterface09 Workshop, Genova, Italy
- July to Aug 2009
- PI: Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras
- Los Alamos National Lab., NM, U.S.
- Dec 2008 to Feb 2009
- PI: Dr. John S. George
Honors and awards
- Poster Award (2nd Prize, PostDoc) [Mar 2016]
- Mind Brain Research Day, Brown University
- BioMed Postdoc Travel Award ($500) [Feb 2016]
- Supported by Brown University
- Full Korea Government Scholarship [2008 to 2014]
- Supported by Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Selected for 1st International Summer School on Neural Engineering [July 2013]
- Summser school program for student and Post Doc.
- Location: Shanghai China
- Supported by IEEE EMBS
- NHN award in game part organized by KIISE [June 2012]
- KIISE: Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
- Title: Brain game - application of brain computer interface
- Selected for DAAD-NRF scholarship (Summer Institute Program) [May 2012]
- Student exchange program by German Academic Exchange Service
- DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Dasan scholarship [Sept 2011]
- Student scholarship program by GIST
- Best paper award in Korea Computer Congress 2011, South Korea [June 2011]
- Title: Comparative Study on feature extraction algorithm for EEG based Brain –Computer Interface
- JISTEC-NRF scholarship (Winter Institute Program) [Jan 2011]
- Student exchange program by Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center (JISTEC) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Government Student Scholarship [2001 to 2007]
- Supported by Brain Korea 21 and NURI committee
- 1st Honor in ABEEK portfolio contest [Mar 2007]
- Presentation contest for student in engineering organized by Chungbuk province, South Korea (ABEEK: Accreditation board for engineering education of Korea)
- 24th ranked in ACM Asia programming contest [Nov 2006]
- Organized by ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
- 2nd Honor in IT-Festival (implementation part) [May 2006]
- Organized by Chungbuk province, South Korea
- The project was to develop mobile robot that recognizing visual singes
- 1st Honor in presentation contest [Nov 2005]
- Student presentation contest organized by Chungbuk National University
- IEEE Providence Section EMBS Chapter, Treasurer [March 2015 to present]
- Society for Neuroscience (sfn) postdoctoral member [2014 to present]
- KIISE member [2010 to present]
- IEEE member [2010 to present]
- GIST BCI workshop founding organizer [Aug 2013 to 2014]
- Application Demonstration in Korea Computer Congress 2012 [June 2012]
- Application Demonstration in HCI Korea Conference 2012 [Jan 2012]
- Student volunteer in HCI International Conference 2011 [July 2011]
Teaching experience
- GIST, Gwangju, South Korea [Sept 2011 to Dec 2011]
- Teaching Assistant, School of Information and Communications
- Class name: Numerical optimization
- GIST, Gwangju, South Korea [May 2011 to Nov 2011]
- Research assistant, School of Information and Communications
- Undergraduate research program (URP) supported by Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC)
- Project title: EEG Based Biofeedback System Improving Attention
- Two undergraduate students advised
- Budget: $10,000
- GIST, Gwangju, South Korea [Mar 2010 to Feb 2011]
- Research assistant, School of Information and Communications
- Undergraduate research program (URP) supported by Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC)
- Project title: Brain Game based on EEG Brain Computer Interface
- Three undergraduate students advised
- Budget: $20,000
- Platform and toolbox: BCI2000, EEGLAB, LORETA, FieldTrip, MonkeyLogic
- Programming: C, C++, MFC, MATLAB, IDL
- Languages: Korean (Native), English (Fluent), Japanese (Beginner)